Cloud Computing, Up, Up and Away

Cloud Computing

The term Cloud covers a huge array of potential computing empowerment, the ultimate extent of which is probably as near infinity as we can currently understand, or even comprehend.

Cloud is not a specific description of one function or another, but an internet borne opportunity loosely connected and available on request.

The Cloud-shaped future will alleviate the need to obtain, (by buy or lease) a whole range of software or software licenses, and that would certainly alter future financial consideration before looking at the working possibilities Cloud has to offer.

The basic concept is that you log into a portal and order your services through the Cloud service provider. This can be a simple virtual machine (an image), some network components, an application service such as a WebApp and a service such as MongoDB. It depends on the provider and type of resources and services.

The Cloud Service Creator and Cloud Service Consumer will provide interfaces and tools for the service creators and users.

To access these services you will need Operating System Services, which will direct and deploy the requested service, and Business System services to OK the requested services and bill subsequent payment.

With broadband internet, the need to have the software run on your computer or on a company’s site is becoming less and less essential.

In the fifteen or so years of its existence, Cloud computing has become more and more commonly part of everyday work and leisure, learning and communication, social media and entertainment. Accessing and storing programs and data over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive really is where the computing future lies.

This development is another seamless step forward in the computer world’s sixty-odd years of existence, bearing in mind that the Cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet.